Monday, October 17, 2016

Call to Action Reflection

Considering that I was not presently a part of this Call to Action field trip, I will be talking about the pre-reflection and/or first thoughts as I signed up for my own volunteering. Because of golf, and the insanely demanding schedule, I was not able to attend the activity and be apart of the learning experience. So instead I signed up for a different, yet equally important issue to service my community, presidential voting. Voting is one of the most fundamental rights we have as a democracy and through the sweet talking of Professor and the nice women advertising it on the table, I committed to the 14 hour duty of helping the polls. Had I known this prior, I still would've signed up but I would've been able to safe myself the embarrassment I suffered when I shrieked after hearing the requirements. Signing up for this particular event gives me many different feelings of patriotism, nationalism, and of course egoism. The women at the voting table outside of the cafe couldn't have been more pleasant or informative, making it very approachable and simple to sign up. The site where I was directed to was very straight-forward and efficient, which seems unusually unfair when dealing with a government based site. Im told that I will be receiving an email within the upcoming weeks and it will contain directions and information so I can better prepare myself with what is expected at this job. I am excited and motivated to be apart of such a ground-breaking event and although I will be most likely signing people in, I will somehow feel that I contributed to the results that follow. 
Eventually, I will be posting the post-reflection on how my Call to Action day went. 

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