Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Social Justice Speaker

Social Justice Speaker

My experience with the social justice speaker Rose Jacobs-Gibson, was a particularly short one. I was told to be there by 7 or 7:30 as the video/movie would begin, but like most presentations, there were bumps. They were expecting more people I suppose, and so we waited. I didn't even get to catch her name as I was on my phone waiting for the guests to show. She gave a little background about herself, and her contributions to the community and presentations but couldn't seem to get the presentation itself running. If it wasn't for my classmates attending the first conference, I most likely wouldn't have know what the topic was on. Having the prior engagement of driving my sister to San Fransisco, I couldn't stay long. About 45 mins later the film began. I watched 15 mins of it and I think it had something to do with gun control and the difficulties we as a community, society, and country face with guns. Never owning a gun myself, or even knowing someone who has one, Im not familiar of the feeling you get when you shoot, hold, or even possess a firearm, but I do have opinions on this. 

In terms of stricter gun control, its true that not everyone should be able to own a gun, but those who can should be able to receive one at a reasonable cost in a reasonable time. The problem isn't that we need stricter gun control policies, the problem is we are allowing those with mental health issues obtain firearms when the fact is, not everyone is mentally stable or responsible enough to own one. This country has a MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEM disguised as a gun control problem, and a TYRANNY problem disguised as a security problem. 

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